Totally me, him and us

Monday, September 29, 2008

back to everything

i am back to this blog. My children are back to school . My Hubby is back to traveling. My daughter is back to dance.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

April already

well not quite

we are gearing up for spring break, but before that dd is going to camp.. her school takes them to camp for 5 days. I hope that she has a great time.

we got the foundation poured for our garage/shop. it won't be longer berfore we are moving. It will be so nice to have space to put things......closets what a concept.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

A great Start to the New Year

We had a blast over Christmas. We actually got the kidlets what they wanted. My son got an x-box360 he loves to play and has even gotten his dad interested. my daughter got her ds-lite, she loves it whens she gets to play it, her dad and I always play jewel quest on it. Things did get abit overwhelming when we found that we could not find archery equipment for them, but they didn't even know that they were getting it so they did not miss it. Kurt got a drill press that he has always wanted. at some point I am getting a wishblade and I think that I will also get the cricut. I am so spoiled.

New years was Great. Kurt and I actually drank a whole bottle of champagne with the help of our neighbor. we did the hold popper thing and blew our noise makers at midnight.

Dance started right after new years. My daughter was surprised with a letter telling her that she is ready for POINTE SHOES!!! Her dad and I are so proud of her.

Our son got measure for his costume. He goes to a differnt dance school and just adores his new teacher there. We are so proud that he is keeping up with tap. We think that later on he will be glad that he learned how to tap.

some other news....I have lost another 12 pounds...YIPPEEE I plan on lose another 20 before my doctor's appointment in march.

Have a great new year


Sunday, December 30, 2007

The end of the year

here I am getting ready to celebrate the New Year. but I still feel like celebrate the Old. This we were fortunate to really start working on our house. the kids have learning how to build a house from the ground up. they spent alot of time learning how to set and tie rebar. we are getting to pour cement. That is so scary. we are pouring a whole lot of cement, in a very short time.
We were also fortunate enough to be able to fix up our little house. Kurt added a new laminate wood floor in the kitchen and we really got the front of the house looking nice. we repainted, and are painting the kitchen cabinates.....once we them done it will look very nice.
the only problem I seem to be having is lost socks, just where do they go? I spent two picking up , washing and sorting socks and I still have a basket full?????

In the new year I would really like to solve the sock situation. and clean up my laundry room..that is just the start of my list.\


Thursday, November 08, 2007

here I am again

my best news yet......I lost over forty pounds I am almost to my first goal wieght. I did it with diet and just getting up off my butt and moving!!! no pills and no surgery for me. I still have alot more to go but I am off to a good start.


Thursday, August 30, 2007


It seems that I have neglected this poor little blog for a long time. If you have read it before nothing in my life has changed much. I still spend a vast majority of my life in a car. My son is still a teenager..(egads how did that happen) and my daughter still goes to dance lessons.

My hubby in now the deputy manager of his office.

my life is good and truly blessed and all my bills are paid!

have a great day
